Saratoga County, New York

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Baker Cemetery
Town of Stillwater

As transcribed by Cornelius Emerson Durkee and listed under Stillwater in Volume 2,
pages 635 – 643 of Durkee's Epitaphs of Saratoga County, New York.

“The inscriptions of the Baker Cemetery were taken by E.D.Harris & C.E.Durkee together 
Sep. 11, 1877.  The Cemetery is about a mile and a half from Mechanicville,
on the east side of the road between that place and the four corners, the site of the
Yellow Meeting House.”  (Durkee page 643)

(The Baker Cemetery is located on the east side of Route 75, north of the City of Mechanicville, 
and 6/10 miles south of McDermott Road & 2/10 miles south of Graves Road, in the Town of 
Stillwater, Saratoga County, New York.)

	Page 635

Marshall, Allen C., d. July 1, 1874, 63ys. (stone not found)

Marshall, Elisabeth, wife of Moses, b. Oct. 30, 1784;  d. Nov. 27, 1864. (stone broken)

Marshall, Moses, d. Apr. 22, 1858, a.80 ys.

Marshall, Willet, d. Jan. 3, 1844, 30y.4m.

Gallett, John, d. May 2, 1846, 37y.4m.1d.

	Page 636

Gallett, Wealthy Ann, dau. of John & Ann, d. June 26, 1853, 15y.8m.

Gallett, George Wilson, son of John & Ann, d. June 8, 1855, 19y.10m.5d.

Baker, Polly, wife of Daniel, d. Apr. 12, 1864, 84y.2m.21d.

Hames, Daniel B., son of John & Amanda, b. May 6, 1828;  d. July 14, 1851

Evenden, Sarah Ann, wife of William, d. Aug. 20, 1848, 27y.8m.16d. (stone not found)

Evenden, Wm. H., son of W. & S.A., d. Aug. 27, 1848, 15d.  (stone not found)

Baker, Julia Isabella, dau. of W.J. & M.A., d. Feb. 20, 1862, 2y.6m.17d.

Humphrey, William M., son of James & Mary, d. Jan. 18, 1861, 4m.25d.

	Page 637

Baker, Lucy Ann, dau. of Titus & Jerusha, d. Sep. 24, 1838, 3m.11d.

Baker, Silas, son of William & Sylva, b. Dec. 15, 1832;  d. Nov. 20, 1843.

Baker, Delavan, son of George & Jemima, d. Oct. 20, 1844, 2y.7m.25d.

Baker, Elmina, dau. of Bloom & Dorcas, d. June 11, 1846, 2y.3m.18d.

Baker, Laura L., dau. of Ransom O. & Laura, d. Apr. 12, 1857, 2m.14d.

Edmonds, Sarah, dau. of Gardiner & Phebe, d. Apr. 20, 1850, 2m.14d.

Edmonds, Fredrick Wesley, son of Fidelia & Jonathan Jr., d. Mar. 31, 1848, 9m.4d.
	(stone not found)

Edmonds, Eliza C., wife of Ephraim, d. Nov. 21, 1848, 27y.10m.  (stone not found)

	Page 638

Edmonds, Eliza Ann, wife of Gardiner, d. Apr. 21, 1844, 24th yr. of her age.

Golden, Eleanor, wife of Selah, d. Feb. 19, 1846, 51y.10m.3d.

Golden, Anna Maria, dau. of Selah & Ellen, d. May 11, 1831, 13y.9m.5d.

Golden, James, d. Feb. 25, 1829, 60th year of his age.

Golden, Theodotia, wife of James, d. July 22, 1850,  77ys.

Golden, Lydia, wife of Quimby, d. Jan. 2, 1850, 39th year of her age.

Golden, Quimby, d. Mar. 3, 1852, 43d year of his age.

Cooper, Cecelia, dau. of Edward & Emeline, d. Aug. 19, 1867, a.13ys.  
	(this stone replaced)

	Page 639

Cooper, Edward, Bat. H. 7 Reg. N.Y. Heavy Art. “who fell at Cold Harbor”
	May 30, 1864, a.30ys.  (this stone replaced)

Ering, Miria, dau. of Harry & Almira, d. June 1, 1866, a. 15wks.  (stone not found)

Baker, George, d. Nov. 9, 1873, a.77ys.  (double stone, with Jemima Baker)

Baker, Jemima, wife of George, (added later: d. Apr. 4, 1889, aged 87 years.)

Baker, Mary A., dau. of Bloom & Dorcas, d. Jan. 18, 1872, 20y.13d.

Baker, Laura A., wife of R.O., b. Mar. 25, 1821;  d. Dec. 15, 1876.

Baker, Delbert S., son of Benjamin W. & Sarah E., d. May 2, 1871, 9ms.
	(triple stone, with Lillie and Willie Baker)

	Page 640

Baker, Lillie V., dau. of Benjamin W. & Sarah E., d. May 9, 1871, 2y.4m.20d.
	(triple stone, with Delbert and Willie Baker)

Baker, Willie P., son of Benjamin W. & Sarah E., d. May 9, 1871, 3y.4m.20d.
	(triple stone, with Delbert and Lillie Baker)

Baker, Minerva Jane, wife of Parris, d. Mar. 27, 1868, a. 43.
	(this stone replaced)

Baker, Daniel, d. June 22, 1872, 50y.4m.  (D. Baker monument)

Baker, Cornelia, wife of Daniel, d.---  (see additional inscriptions, below)

Baker, David S., son of John T. & Lucy A., b. Sep. 13, 1847;  d. Apr. 28, 1875.

Baker, Susan, wife of Theodore, d. Sep. 15, 1873, a.43ys.

Baker, Lucy Ann, wife of John T., d. Sep. 24, 1865, 48th year of her age.
	Page 641

Moore, Sarah Carpenter, wife of Reuben, d. Sep. 26, 1864, 75th yr.  (stone broken)

Baker, Peter, son of James & Cornelia, d. Mar. 12, 1871, 79ys.

Baker, James Jr., d. July 27, 1870, 59y,5m.8d.

Baker, James, d. July 26, 1840, 75y.2m.28d.  (Revolutionary Soldier, per DAR marker)

Baker, Ruth, wife of James, d. Aug. 2, 1854, a. 76ys.

Baker, David S., d. Oct. 23, 1853, a.50y.7m.

Golden, James, d. July 26, 1863, a.41y.19d.

Golden, Nathaniel M., d. Aug. 6, 1851, 39th year of age.

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Golden, Jane, wife of Nathaniel M., d. June 27, 1861, 48y.3m.24d.

Baker, Charles, son of William & Sylva, b. Feb. 25, 1838;  d. Apr. 21, 1862.
	“A pale consumption gave the fatal blow
	The stroke was sure, but the effect was slow
	With lingering pain death saw me long oppressed
	Pitied my grief and kindly gave me rest.”

Baker, Laura, dau. of William & Sylva, b. Nov. 8, 1840;  d. Jan. 24, 1861.

Baker, Herkimer, son of William & Sylva, b. Dec. 20, 1827;  d. Apr. 19, 1851.

Baker, William, d. Jan. 7, 1875, in the 80th year of his age.

Baker, Sylva, wife of William, b. Aug. 25, 1801;  d. Oct. 1, 1859

	Page 643

Humphrey, Mary, wife of James, and dau. of William & Sylva Baker,
	b. Sep. 29, 1830;  d. May 20, 1861.   (this stone replaced)


	Additional inscriptions, copied 2007:

-----, Eugene, died Jan. 3, 1879, aged 15 years.  (no surname noted, stone very worn)

	Large “Baker” monument, bearing the date 1874:
side 1:  William, George, Joseph, Israel, sons of James & Ruth Baker.
side 2:  Valentine, David S., Bloom, Titus, sons of James & Ruth Baker.
side 3:  James, Samuel D., Ransom O., John T., sons of James & Ruth Baker.
side 4:  Abel, Daniel, Paris, sons of James & Ruth Baker.
             Peter, son of James & Cornelia Baker.

Baker, Anna J. Doty, wife of Willard M., 1870 – 1927, age 57 yrs. (double with Willard)

Baker, Amanda C. Huestis, wife of James L., Jan. 29, 1830 – Feb. 20, 1891.

Baker, Arthur, son of Warren & Nancy M., died Jan.14, 1882, ae 25 ys. 7m. 24 days.

Baker, Bloom, born Mar. 16, 1806; died May 23, 1883.

Baker, Chauncey, died Feb. 10, 1881, aged 32 years.

	“D. Baker” monument & markers for Daniel, Cornelia & Powell:
side 1:   Daniel Baker d. June 22, 1872, age 50y.4m.(repeat from Durkee's inscriptions)
	 Cornelia, wife of Daniel Baker, died May 26, 1885, aged 60 years.
side 2:   Howland Baker, born July 28, 1845.
             John Baker born Oct. 3, 1847.
             Fayette Baker born Dec. 31, 1849.
side 3:  Louisiana Baker born July 15, 1852.
             Martha Baker born Oct. 8, 1854.
             Powell Baker born Feb. 22, 1858, died Sept. 16, 1888.
side 4:  Maria Baker born Mar. 3, 1860.
             Minnie C. Baker born Oct. 11, 1862.
             Elisha K. Baker born Apr. 9, 1865.

Baker, Dorcas H., wife of Bloom, died Apr. 6, 1900, ae 92 yrs.

Baker, Ella M., wife of Albert S., died Sept. 23, 1888, aged 37 years.

Baker, George C., born June 1, 1832; died Mar. 4, 1889 ae 57 yrs.

Baker, Holmes, born February 11, 1854; died June 30, 1927.

Baker, Ida A. Vanderwerken, wife of Holmes, 1857 – 1891.

Baker, Israel, died Jan. 29, 1880, aged 80 yrs. 8 mos.& 22 days.

Baker, James L., born May 4, 1823;  died Sept. 5, 1895.

Baker, John T., 1817 – 1900.

Baker, Joseph, died Dec. 7, 1878, aged 81.

Baker, Julia A., 1832 – 1913.

Baker, Lester F., son of H. & I.A., died Aug. 27, 1885, ae 5 mos.

Baker, Mary S. Griffen, June 30, 1835 – Mar. 29, 1920.

Baker, Marion G., born Oct. 28, 1867, died Oct. 23, 1893.

Baker, Minerva J. Wilber, wife of Parris Baker, 1826 – 1868.  (replacement stone)

Baker, Parris, 1824 – 1898.

Baker, Perry, Dec. 29, 1824 – June 28, 1905.

Baker, Polly Hawley, wife of David S., born Mar. 9, 1817,  died Sep. 18, 1892.

Baker, Ransom O., born Feb. 22, 1815, died March 22, 1895.

Baker, Rhoda, wife of Joseph Baker, died May 29, 1885, aged 81 yrs.

Baker, Ruth, died Nov. 14, 1871 ae 50 yrs. 14 ds.  “mother”

Baker, Ruth H., dau. of F. & E., died Nov. 11, 1889, ae 1yr.5ms.16ds.

Baker, Sarah A. Holmes, wife of John T., 1841 – 1901.

Baker, Silas Newton, Aug. 18, 1852 – July 1, 1911.

Baker, Susan Golden, wife of Daniel, died Jan. 22, 1888, ae 47 yrs.

Baker, Theodore, died Apr. 8, 1889, ae 66 yrs.  

Baker, Willard M.  1860 – no date.  (double with Anna J. Doty Baker)

Baker, Willie G., died 1866.  (no age)

Bedell, George E., died Sept. 23, 1878, ae 26 yrs.

Bedell, Emma Golden, wife of George E., died Mar. 9, 1881, ae 30 yrs.

Carter, Mary A. Edmonds, 1844 – 1911.

Cooper, Edward, Bat. H, 7th Regt. NY 1834 – 1864. (double replacement stone)

Cooper, Cecelia, dau of Edward, 1854 – 1867. (double replacement stone, with Edward)

Cramer, Harrison L., 1844 – 1917.  (double stone, with Caroline)

Cramer, Caroline Baker, wife of Harrison L., 1845 – 1922.  (double stone, with Harrison)

Edmonds, Gardiner C., d. Dec. 26, 1880, ae. 65y.4m.12d.

Edmonds, Phebe, wife of Gardiner, Nov. 30, 1860, ae. 37y.6m.26ds.

Edmonds, Mary H., 1839 – 1922.

Gailor, Lester F., son of Fred & Belle, died Oct. 19, 1892, ae 11 mos. 29ds.

Gallett, Ann, wife of John, d. Jan. 23, 1883, aged 77 years. (stone very worn) 

Gallett, Carrie, died July 14, 1894, aged 27 yrs.

Gallett, Charles N., 1892 – 1944.  (marker, flush to ground)

Golden, George H., 1842 – no date.  (with Lydia and children: Anna, Willie & Charles)

Golden, Lydia E. Gallett, wife of George H., 1833 – no date.

Golden, Anna J., 1871 – 1871.  (George H. & Lydia E. Golden stone.)
	marker:  Anna J., dau of G.H. & L.E. Golden died Aug. 6, 1871, ae 9 wks.

Golden, Willie, 1873 – 1882.  (George H. & Lydia E. Golden stone.) 
	marker:  Willie, son of Geo. H. & L.E. Golden, d. May 19. 1882, ae 5 y.10 ms.

Golden, Charles H., 1879 – 1895.  (George H. & Lydia E. Golden stone.)

Humphrey, James, born Jan. 16, 1819, died March 27, 1900. “father” (double with Mary)

Humphrey, Mary Baker, wife of James, born Sept. 24, 1830, d. May 20, 1861. “mother”
	(replacement stone, double with James)

Kelly, Katie, dau of W.H. & A.A., died Sept. 12, 1884, ae 6 ms.

Naylor, Augusta Maria, wife of Rev. John, d. Jan. 30, 1897, ae 44 yrs. “mother”

Ostrander, Edward K., son of Stephen, died Sept. 1, 1887, ae 49 yrs. 8 mos.

Ostrander, Viola Hays, wife of Edward K., Apr. 26, 1844 – Dec. 18, 1922.

Ostrander, Eddie, son of Edward & Viola, died May 13, 1884, aged 5 yrs.10m.13d.

Thompson, Abigial Baker, July 21, 1846 – Nov. 7, 1926.

Thompson, Mary L., Nov.19, 1846 – Jan. 26, 1900.


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Alice Lowder Zetterstrom and Heritage Hunters of Saratoga County
All rights reserved.

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