Saratoga County, New York

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Francis Winney Cemetery
Town of Saratoga

As transcribed by Cornelius Emerson Durkee and listed under the Town of Saratoga 
in volume 4, pages 221 – 225, of Durkee's Epitaphs of Saratoga County, New York.
“The stones from which the foregoing inscriptions were taken, stand in an enclosure 
between Fish Creek and the highway leading from Saratoga to Grangerville, and about 
one mile west of Grangerville.  They were copied Sep. 3, 1877 by C.E.Durkee.”

(Exact location is unknown.  We only know that some graves were moved to either
Prospect Hill Cemetery in Schuylerville, or Greenridge Cemetery in Saratoga Springs.
Should you have any additional clues regarding what has become of the Francis Winney Cemetery, 
please forward your information to Heritage Hunters.  Thank you.)

	Page 221

Ballard, John, d. July 12, 1857, 84th yr.

Ballard, Mary, wife of John, d. June 11, 1844, 74th yr.

Ballard, Rufus, d. July 9, 1803, 52d yr.

Winney, Sophia, wife of Rowe, d. Nov. 19, 1864, 42y.18d.
	(moved to Greenridge Cemetery, section R)

Winney, Frances E., dau. of Rowe & Sophia, d. Oct. 13, 1864, 17y.5m.23d.
	(moved to Greenridge Cemetery, section R)

	Page 222

Winney, Helen A., dau. of John P. & Mary E., d. Apr. 1, 1861, 1y.9m.22d.
	(moved to Prospect Hill Cemetery, lot 84)

Winney, Edgar, son of Stephen H. & Lydia S., d. June 4, 1864, 10y.2m.7d.
	(moved to Prospect Hill Cemetery, lot 84)

Winney, Charles, son of Stephen H. & Lydia S., d. June 4, 1864,  11y.3m.29d.
	(moved to Prospect Hill Cemetery, lot 84)

Winney, Arthar F., son of Stephen H. & Lydia S., d. Oct. 16, 1861, 9m.18d.
	(presumed moved to Prospect Hill Cemetery, lot 84)

Ostrander, Mary, wife of Christopher, d. Apr. 26, 1840, 48y.6m.

Winney, Catharine Dorcas, dau. of Killian & Mary Jane, d. Oct. 1, 1849, a.3y.9m.14d.

Winney, Clinton, son of Killian & Mary Jane, d. Oct. 11, 1849, 1y.7m.9d.

Ostrander, Ervin, son of Jacob & Jerusha W., d. Jan. 23, 1851, 9m.22d.

	Page 223

Winney, John, son of Stephen H. & Lydia S., d. Sep. 1, 1858, 2m.2d.
	(presumed moved to Prospect Hill Cemetery, lot 84)

Winney, Ira D., son of Stephen H. & Lydia S., d. June 17, 1855, 9 days.
	(presumed moved to Prospect Hill Cemetery, lot 84)

Winney, Ann Augusta, dau. of Stephen H. & Lydia S., b. Dec. 31, 1850;  d. May 2, 1851.
	(presumed moved to Prospect Hill Cemetery, lot 84)

Patterson, Mary, dau. of Tobias C. & Frances M., d. June 9, 1846, 1y.6d.
	(moved to Prospect Hill Cemetery, lot 92)

Winney, Emily, dau. of Francis K. & Dorcas, d. Mar. 6, 1819, 5 ms.

Winney, infant son of Francis K. & Dorcas, d. Feb. 22, 1827, 2m.25d.

Winney, Gardner, son of Francis K. & Dorcas, d. Sep. 10, 1828, 18y.2m.3d.

Winney, Rachel P., dau. of Francis K. & Dorcas, d. July 17, 1850, 19y.10m.1d.

	Page 224

Winney, Francis K., d. Sep. 2, 1853, 72d yr.

Winney, Mary, wife of Killion, d. Dec. 22, 1826, 60y.2d.

Winney, Emma, dau. of Killion & Mary, d. Mar. 20, 1809, 15y.7m.12d.

Winney, Killion, d. Sep. 9, 1798, 38y.10m.24d.

Winney, Francis, d. Sep. 1, 1797, 63d yr.

Winney, Ann, wife of Francis, d. Oct. 8, 1798, 60th yr.

Evertson, Rebecca, relict of Henry, d. July 17, 1850, a.81y.9m.1d.


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Alice Lowder Zetterstrom and Heritage Hunters of Saratoga County
All rights reserved.

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