Saratoga County, New York

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Montgomery Cemetery
Town of Stillwater

Photo of Montgomery Cemetery, Town of Stillwater

The Montgomery Cemetery is located in the Town of Stillwater, Saratoga County,
New York.  From the intersection of Jolly Road with route 75, proceed west about
two tenths mile up a private lane which is marked Lonesome Drive, and continue
about 100 yards into the woods, along the footpath.  In addition to the following
carved gravestones, there are several native stone markers, without inscription.
This cemetery was not recorded by Cornelius Durkee.

Montgomery, James, who departed this life Jan. 1789 in the 61st  year of his age.   {photo}

Montgomery, Margaret, wife of James, who departed this life August 179-,
	in the 60th year of her age.  {photo}

Hunter, Elizabeth, wife of Moses, departed this life June 1790 in the 26th year of her age.
	A pale consumption gave the fatal blow,
	The stroke was sure, but the affect was slow.
	With lingering pain death saw me long opprest,
	Pitied my grief & kindly gave me rest.                   {photo}

Tuttle, Comfort, wife of John, who died April 15, 1798, in the 19th year of her age.  {photo}
	C.T. footstone, with mark of the stonemason “G” at the bottom of footstone.

Hinman, Margaret, wife of John, died 1796, aged 107 years.  {photo}

Black, James, who departed this life 1st Oct. 1811, in the 42nd year of his age.  {photo}
	Remember me as you pass by, As you are now, so once was I,
	As I am now, so you must be.  Prepare for death & follow me.
	7 of his children are now dead 18th April 1812.

Dunham, Mary, wife of Samuel H., who departed this life 17 April 1812,
	in the 19th year of her age.  {photo}

Ford, Sophiah, who died Augt. 20th 1796, in the 60th year of her age.
	Sophiah Ford footstone.   {photo}

Ford, John, who died May 15, 1801, in the 34th year of his age.   {photo}

Ford, (stone broken), who died April 1, 1800, in the 40th year of his age.   {photo}
	Thomas Ford footstone.


	Two much more recent granite stones:

Patrick Allen Mehan.  Musician.    {photo}

In beloved dedication to my dear mother, Kathryn Mehan Wilber;
My grandfather, Martin Mehan;  by Jean Wilber LaBarge.	     {photo}


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Alice Lowder Zetterstrom and Heritage Hunters of Saratoga County
All rights reserved.

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