Saratoga County, New York

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Schuylerville North Broad Street Cemetery


Sylvester 1 states that, "Early burials at Schuylerville were on the corner of Broad and Burgoyne streets. From this ground the dead were all carefully removed, in 1840, to the cemetery north of the village. This is now but little used, and its successor is the beautifully-located Prospect Hill cemetery, on the heights of Saratoga, as they are described in the histories of the olden times."

The "cemetery north of the village" is now known as the North Broad Street Cemetery and Sylvester’s reference to "Saratoga," called "Old Saratoga" today, is now Schuylerville. It is believed that this cemetery may have been associated with the Dutch Reformed Church of Schuylerville at one time so it has sometimes been referred to as the "Old Reformed Church" cemetery. The cemetery is found in the northeast corner of the village and extends from Broad Street (NYS Rt. 4) to the Champlain Canal. The stones are in very poor condition. Although the cemetery is under the jurisdiction of the Village of Schuylerville, maintenance has been assumed by private individuals, some of whom live adjacent to the grounds. A recent visit and conversation with one of these "caretakers", confirmed this situation.

The Database

This database is drawn from the combined transcriptions of:

1.  Cornelius E. Durkee: Durkee’s Epitaphs, Vol. 4, pgs. 263-305, dated October 26, 1877 from inscriptions copied on September 18, 1877.

2.  A list compiled by Eleanor Phillips (1900-1992) who was a former historian of the Town of Saratoga in the 1940’s and 1950’s.

3.   A list in the possession of the Saratoga County Historian’s office, Ballston Spa, from the files of William M. Snyder (1873-1958), also a former Town of Saratoga historian. This list has only minor variations from the Phillips list.

4.  Other incomplete lists of inscriptions that were compiled in the 1930’s including one prepared by Grace VanDerwerker Leddick in 1936. Attempts have been made to view some of the stones in order to resolve questions about a few of the transcriptions, but because of their deterioration over the past 125 years, the transcriptions of C. E. Durkee are probably still the most reliable.


This small database does not have its own Index. It is alphabetically arranged so you can scroll through it to find your names. You can also go to the head of the SaratogaNYGenWeb page and use the PicoSearch engine to find your surnames. The appearances of the surname, on all the Saratoga NYGenWeb pages, will be reported, including those that are found in this North Broad Street Cemetery database.


This page was prepared by Fletcher A. Blanchard, assisted by Karen Hammond Clark , both Heritage Hunters members. You may contact Karen if you have questions about the inscriptions on existing stones, but be advised that in many cases they are in poor condition.
February 2003

1. History of Saratoga County , Nathaniel Bartlett Sylvester, published 1878, pg. 276.

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