Saratoga County, New York
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Several Small Town of Wilton Cemeteries
These transcriptions were compiled and annotated by Dave Bixby, and were recently found and converted from MS Works database files. For Dave's discussion of his motivations and methods, please see his Introduction page.
Sleight Cemetery
Name |
Relationship |
Born |
Died |
Age |
Misc |
Sleight, Phebe |
Dau of Peter & Mary Sleight |
1823/02/28 |
00y, 05m, 02d |
Data from C. Durkee's 1878 cemetery report. Not in existence in 2004. |
McGregor Cemetery
Name |
Relationship |
Born |
Died |
Age |
Misc |
McGregor, Helen |
Dau of James & Lueza McGregor |
1825/03/30 |
06y, 11m, 29d |
Data from C. Durkee's 1878 cemetery report. |
McGregor, Lueza |
Wife of James McGregor |
1834/05/23 |
58y |
Data from C. Durkee's 1878 cemetery report. |
Ruggles Cemetery
Name |
Relationship |
Born |
Died |
Age |
Misc |
Ruggles, Anne |
1861/09/30 |
75y, 07m, 18d |
Ruggles, Beriah |
1852/12/10 |
69y |
From C. Durkee's 1878 cemetery report. |
Ruggles, Francis |
1860/04/08 |
51y, 02m, 19d |
Perry Cemetery - Town of Wilton
Name |
Relationship |
Born |
Died |
Age |
Misc |
Calkin, Seth |
1811/03/02 |
52y |
Dakin, Rebekah |
"Wife of Simon, Elder of a Baptist Church in North E-Town" |
1792/12/04 |
69y |
Data from C. Durkee's 1878 cemetery report. |
Hemphill, Annes |
Wife of Robert Hemphill |
1801/08 |
56y? |
Perry, Artemus |
Husb of Rebecca Perry |
1847/01/11 |
76y |
Data from C. Durkee's 1878 cemetery report. |
Perry, Cornelius |
Husb of Polly Perry |
1855/11/12 |
77y, 07m, 17d |
Perry, Dudley E. |
Son of Cornelius & Polly Perry |
1822/03/13 |
02y, 10m |
Data from C. Durkee's 1878 cemetery report. |
Perry, George W. |
1839/03/04 |
33y, 05m, 09d |
Wilton Town Clerk in 1849. |
Perry, Artemus |
Husb of Rebecca Perry |
1847/01/11 |
76y |
Data from C. Durkee's 1878 cemetery report. |
Perry, Cornelius |
Perry, Harriet E. |
Dau of Edmund & Elvira Perry |
1844/07/11 |
03 |
Data from C. Durkee's 1878 cemetery report. |
Perry, Polly |
Wife of Cornelius Perry |
1835/11/19 |
51y, 02m, 20d |
Perry, Rebecca |
Wife of Artemus Perry |
1858/08/11 |
81y, 05m |
Data from C. Durkee's 1878 cemetery report. |
Perry, Ruth E. |
Dau of Cornelius & Polly Perry |
1825/01/13 |
13y, 07m, 16d |
Perry, Sarah Ann |
Dau of Cornelius & Polly Perry |
1825/02/01 |
07y, 05m, 15d |
Data from C. Durkee's 1878 cemetery report. |
Turrill, John |
1806/09/29 |
53y |
Wheeler, Bulor Willis |
Wife of Curtis Wheeler |
1856/12/28 |
76y, 06m |
Wheeler, Curtis |
1854/03/16 |
76y, 06m |
Data from C. Durkee's 1878 cemetery report. |
Wheeler, Milton |
Son of Curtis & ???? Wheeler |
1830/03/05 |
28y, 01m, 23d |
Wheeler, Polly |
1825/06/19 |
23y |
Data from C. Durkee's 1878 cemetery report. |
Woodward, William |
1847/09/07 |
47y |