Saratoga County, New York
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Serious research about cemeteries in Saratoga County has been conducted for at least one hundred and twenty-five years. Cornelius E. Durkee and Frank Harris observed in the 1870s that many early cemeteries and their stones were falling into disuse and disrepair, allowing some of our county's history and its former residents to be forgotten. They started then to record Saratoga County Epitaphs and included many cemeteries that we now know only by their efforts.
Frank Lafforthun, a Historian, later compiled a list of cemeteries in Saratoga County and added a numbering system. He then marked a county map with his best approximation of the locations of each of those cemeteries.
The numbers in the second column of this chart follow Mr. Lafforthun's numbering scheme, although the list has been rearranged into alphabetical order. Cemetery numbers in other sources follow completely different schemes, such as in the Henry Ritchie collection which numbers cemeteries by the order in which they appeared in Durkee's Saratoga County Epitaphs.
In the last few years, efforts have been made to update this list of cemetery names. Where possible, alternative names for many cemeteries have been added to the list and then cross-referenced by the number system devised by Mr. Lafforthun. Several cemeteries have been added to this list by various researchers. This is probably not a complete list, nor a completely accurate one, but includes most of the research done to date.
Town of Ballston |
Ballston Spa Village |
2 |
Baptist Church |
8 |
Briggs |
3 |
Calvary Episcopal |
7 |
Crapo |
5? |
Frazure |
6 |
Hillside |
8 |
Hopp City |
5 |
Hubbell |
5 |
McDonald |
4 |
Robinson |
added by Lynn Calvin |
St. Christopher House |
9 |
St. Marys |
1 |
VanVoorst Farm |
6 |
Town of Charlton |
Adams, Oliver |
5 |
Blue Corners |
1 |
Brotherson? |
Brotherson |
1 |
Conde, Jesse |
8 |
Mott, Jacob |
2 |
New Cemetery |
9 |
Old Cemetery |
7 |
Pine Grove |
9 |
Presbyterian Church Cemetery |
Scotch Church |
Scotch Street |
4 |
Smith, Isaac |
6 |
Smith, Jeremiah |
7 |
Spitcher |
6 |
St. Marys Episcopal |
1 |
Swart, Tunis |
3 |
Sweetman |
10 |
Vosburgh |
2 |
West Charlton |
4 |
Town of Clifton Park |
Amity |
12 |
Banta |
6 |
Baptist |
8 |
Bowman's Orchard Cem. |
Chadsey |
7 |
Clifton Park |
11 |
Coon |
6 |
DeGroff |
LC |
(near Pierce Road) |
Earls |
3 |
Garnsey |
1 |
Jones |
2 |
Jonesville |
7 |
McIntosh |
9 |
Millious |
13 |
Rexford Flatts |
5 |
Shepherd |
9 |
Terpening |
JS |
ref. John Scherer article 6/14/02 |
VanVranken |
4 |
Visscher |
11 |
Town of Corinth |
Angel |
12 |
Barrass |
10 |
Barrett |
added by Dave Bixby |
Bedell |
7 |
Carpenter |
14 |
Clothier |
6 |
Clunies |
23 |
Comstock, Col. |
11 |
Corinth Catholic |
added by Dave Bixby |
Corinth Rural |
2 |
Davis |
7 |
Deuell Farm |
21 |
Earls |
18 |
Early |
24 |
Eddy |
added by Dave Bixby |
Efnor Lake |
25 |
Eggleston, John |
4 |
Eggleston, Joseph |
5 |
Haines |
13 |
Jessups Landing |
1 |
Lincoln |
9 |
Maplewood |
16 |
Monroe |
9 |
Mosher, Zebedee |
17 |
Nathan Carpenter |
Parkman |
19 |
Purqua |
22 |
Saxton |
15 |
St. Marys |
3 |
South Corinth |
16 |
xxx |
Thornton Yard |
26 |
Thornton, Abner |
26 |
Woodworth |
added by Dave Bixby |
Wyman |
8 |
Young |
7 |
Town of Day |
Conklingville |
2 |
Christian Church? |
Day Center |
1 |
Day Corners |
added by Dave Bixby |
Milallen Road |
added by Dave Bixby |
Stone Church |
1 |
Wesley Denton |
added by Dave Bixby |
Town of Edinburg |
Abbot |
5 |
Armstrong |
7 |
Anderson |
Batchellerville |
1 |
Beecher Hollow |
Clark School |
3 |
Clarkville |
3? |
Coldbrook |
1 |
Edinburg |
2 |
Edinburg |
6 |
Partridge |
5 |
Robinson |
Sand Hill |
2 |
Stark |
8 |
Starle |
8 |
Town of Galway |
Allen |
6 |
Ashley |
15 |
Bliss Road |
15 |
added by Dave Bixby |
Catholic |
10 |
Christian Church |
1 |
Clute |
2 |
xxx |
Cornell |
13 |
East Galway |
5 |
Friends |
3 |
Foster Hill |
7 |
Galway Village |
1 |
Hart |
13 |
Hewitt |
6 |
Huyck |
4 |
Jersey Hill |
9 |
Mosher |
3 |
Mosherville |
2 |
North Galway |
7 |
Potter |
12 |
Quaker |
3 |
St. Mary's |
added by Dave Bixby |
Savage |
4 |
South Galway |
15 |
South Galway #8 |
8 |
Spring Road |
added by Dave Bixby |
Stimson |
9 |
Union Mills |
14 |
Weaver |
8 |
Welch Road |
5 |
xxx |
West Galway |
14 |
Town of Greenfield |
Allen |
26 |
Bailey |
34 |
Ballou |
13 |
Bowen |
15 |
Chatfield |
3 |
Comstock |
32 |
Cornell |
7 |
Coy |
9 |
Crawford |
4 |
Crawford |
22 |
Cronkite |
31 |
Daketown |
4 |
Day |
28 |
Deake |
8 |
District #5 |
added by Dave Bixby |
Early |
9 |
Edwards |
29 |
Esterbrook |
11 |
Fink |
SM |
re: S. MacMillin |
Gifford |
27 |
Greenfield Center |
25 |
Grenelle |
added by Dave Bixby |
Haggerty (Hill) |
24 |
Harris |
18 |
Harris |
19 |
Hicksite Quaker |
33 |
Hodges |
35 |
Howard |
7 |
Hutchins |
9 |
or17 |
Ingham |
16 |
Jamesville |
added by Dave Bixby |
Lake Pleasant |
1 |
Lawrence |
21 |
Lewis |
2 |
Lewis |
8 |
Lincoln |
36 |
Locust Grove |
22 |
Medbury |
10 |
Middlegrove |
6 |
Miller |
23 |
Mitchell |
17 |
Mt. Pleasant |
1 |
North Greenfield |
added by Dave Bixby |
Ormsbee |
12 |
Page's Corners |
7 |
Prior, Gen. John |
16 |
Rowland |
14 |
Scott |
20 |
Sherman |
5 |
St. John |
25 |
Whipple |
37 |
Wilcox |
26 |
Wing |
20 |
Wood |
30 |
Town of Hadley |
Baptist |
6 |
Blackwood |
11 |
Butler |
5 |
Butler, Cyrus |
7 |
Dayton |
4 |
Dayton #2 |
added by Dave Bixby |
Dean |
4 |
Ellis, Johnston |
8 |
Graham |
added by Dave Bixby |
Gray |
1 |
per Dave Bixby |
Gray |
13 |
Hadley Hill |
2 |
Holland |
added by Dave Bixby |
Indian Burials |
12 |
Jeffers |
8 |
Johnston, Ellis |
9 |
Lynwood |
10 |
Palmer |
added by Dave Bixby |
Rockwell |
9 |
School #3 |
3 |
Scofield |
1 |
Smead |
4 |
xxx |
Wilkins |
14 |
Woodward |
4 |
Town of Halfmoon |
Baptist |
10 |
Brookwood |
4 |
Cary Farm |
added by Frank Goodway |
Clifton Park |
5 |
Coons Crossing |
4 |
Crescent Union |
2? |
DeGraff |
Fitzgerald |
added by Frank Goodway |
Flynn, David |
added by Frank Goodway |
Flynn, John |
9 |
Halfmoon Village |
3 |
Hillcrest |
7 |
Lamb |
13? |
Old Clifton Park |
5 |
Peebles |
added by Frank Goodway |
Rosekrans |
6 |
Smithtown |
8 |
Union |
2 |
Vandenburg |
added by Frank Goodway |
Van Schoonhoven |
added by Frank Goodway |
Visschers |
4 |
West Crescent |
1 |
Williams |
11 |
Town of Malta |
Abeel |
5 |
Armstrong Corners |
4 |
Collamer |
3 |
Dunning Street |
1 |
East Line Union |
4 |
Halls Corners |
3 |
Malta Ridge |
2 |
Malta West Ridge |
3 |
Maltaville |
6 |
Rural |
1 |
City of Mechanicville |
Hudson View |
St. Paul's |
Town of Milton |
Boice |
1 |
Boy Haven Rd. |
19 |
Boyce |
12 |
Cornell |
10 |
District #4 |
21? |
DuBois |
17* |
*on Kesselring Nuclear Site |
Factory Village |
16 |
Finch |
19 |
Fitch |
20 |
Frink |
22 |
Garrison |
8 |
Grennell |
7 |
Hinman |
added by Dave Bixby |
Hoyt |
7 |
Maxwell |
14 |
Milton Center |
17* |
*on Kesselring Nuclear Site |
Milton District #4 |
added by Dave Bixby |
North Milton |
1 |
Oakwood |
4 |
Old Patchin |
5 |
Powell-Wiswall |
6 |
Old Presbyterian |
9 |
Old West Milton |
11* |
*on Kesselring Nuclear Site |
Patchin |
5 |
Plummer Road |
6 |
Potter |
13 |
Powell |
6 |
Rock City Falls |
3 |
Rowland |
18 |
Shearer |
11* |
*on Kesselring Nuclear Site |
South Milton |
8 |
Starr-Hoyt Yard |
Steever |
4 |
Steever |
4 |
Steever Farm |
4 |
Swan |
19 |
West Bloodville |
6 |
West Milton Presby. |
9 |
Wiswold |
6 |
Young |
15* |
*on Kesselring Nuclear Site |
Town of Moreau |
Bancroft |
21 |
Barrett |
Big Bend |
3 |
Trumbull |
Old Olmstead |
15 |
Old Rice |
5 |
Olmstead |
15 |
Parks |
2 |
Quaker |
7 |
Reynolds Corners |
1 |
Rheubottom |
11 |
Rice |
5 |
Rogers |
9 |
Smith |
20 |
South Glens Falls |
5 |
as per Durkee |
South Side |
17 |
St Marus, S. Glens Falls |
St. George Syrian |
19 |
St. Marys |
16 |
Sweet |
24 |
Temple Beth-el |
18 |
Traditional |
6 |
Trumbull |
3 |
Town of Northumberland |
Bacon Hill |
5 |
Brownville |
3 |
Burt |
7 |
Butler Farm |
8 |
Chapman |
6 |
Coffinger |
10 |
Davis |
8 |
Gansevoort, New |
2 |
Gansevoort, Old |
1 |
Garnsey, Chester |
6 |
Griggin, T. |
21? |
Harris, William |
9 |
Houseworth |
16? |
Johnston |
13 |
Laing |
14 |
Lansing |
17 |
Lewis |
19 |
Mott, Gus |
10 |
Murphy, John |
3 |
Nevins |
4 |
Ross |
18? |
Thompson |
20 |
VanDerwerker |
12 |
VanWyke |
7 |
West |
11 |
Williams |
11 |
Woodworth |
5 |
Town of Providence |
Antiock Hill |
2 |
Baptist |
11 |
Barkersville |
10 |
Briggs Center Hill |
5 |
Carpenter |
10 |
Chapman |
6 |
Clark |
1 |
Drager |
8 |
Hagadorn Mills |
9 |
Manchester |
3 |
Quaker |
4 |
Toohey |
6 |
Wait |
12 |
West Providence |
8 |
Woodard |
7 |
Town of Saratoga |
Andrews |
Baptist Church |
Barber |
18 |
Bennett |
37 |
+ALZ |
Billings |
14 |
Brisbin |
13 |
+ALZ, James Brisbin |
Broad Street |
3 |
Bryan |
10 |
+ALZ |
Bull |
24 |
Bullard |
15 |
Burton |
14 |
Caldwell |
18 |
+ALZ |
Chamberlain |
14 |
Church of Notre Dame |
5 |
+ALZ |
Church of Visitation |
7 |
+ALZ |
Clement |
14 |
Colby |
14 |
Craig |
4 |
Craig |
4 |
Cramer |
Casey Road |
Denton |
4 |
Douglas |
14 |
Duel |
24 |
Dunham |
14 |
Esmond |
Condon Road |
Fairmount |
17 |
+ALZ, Fairmount/Howland |
Finch |
4 |
+ALZ |
Finch |
14 |
Fisher |
4 |
Fitch |
15 |
+ALZ |
Foster |
14 |
French |
4 |
Friends |
19 |
Gillan |
18 |
Granger |
1 |
+ALZ |
Green |
S of Southard Rd, W of Burke Rd |
Hill |
28 |
+ALZ |
Hoag |
25 |
Holmes |
14 |
Houseworth |
N of Rt 29 |
Howard |
4 |
Howland |
26 |
Hurd |
20 |
Idsh. |
14 |
Laury |
14 |
Losee |
25 |
Marshall |
7 |
+ALZ moved, some to Fairmount |
McIntosh |
6 |
+ALZ |
Milligan |
20 |
+ALZ |
Moe |
14 |
Montgomery |
17 |
Morgan |
14 |
Mott |
24 |
Mott |
25 |
+ALZ James Mott, moved Prospect Hill |
Olney |
14 |
Perkins |
14 |
Price |
14 |
Prospect Hill |
8 |
+ALZ |
Prosser |
9 |
+ALZ |
Prosser |
20 |
Quaker |
19 |
+ALZ, Quaker Church |
Randall |
29 |
+ALZ |
Ripley |
16 |
Robbins |
33 |
+ALZ |
Rodgers |
10 |
Rogers |
10 |
Rogers |
S of Rt 71,W of Rt 70 |
Rogers |
14 |
Sawyer |
14 |
Schuylerville |
3 |
+ALZ |
Scidmore |
10 |
Seeley |
4 |
Service |
21 |
Service |
N of Rt 32 E of Fish Creek |
Smith |
14 |
Smith |
23 |
not on ALZ |
Spaulding |
4 |
St. John |
14 |
Stafford |
2 |
Taber |
14 |
Thorn |
21 |
+ALZ |
Tupper |
14 |
Utley |
14 |
VanBentheusen |
16 |
+ALZ |
Victory Mills |
12 |
+ALZ |
Viele |
4 |
Viele, J.J. and H.L. |
11 |
+ALZ John Viele |
Viele, Irene |
S of John Viele |
Viele, Lodewecus |
38 |
+ALZ |
Wagaman |
20 |
Wagman |
Ward |
34 |
Ward |
36 |
Wilcox |
4 |
Wilcox |
27 |
Winnie |
2 |
+ALZ Douw Winnie |
Woodrow |
14 |
Wright |
26 |
+ALZ |
Wright |
30 |
not on ALZ |
Wyatt |
N of Burgoyne Rd,W of Fish Creek |
ALZ: Alice Lowder Zetterstrom map dated November 1993 |
+ALZ indicates that Alice's map agrees with Lafforthun |
City of Saratoga Springs |
Abel |
1 |
Andrews |
Cady Hill |
6 |
Catholic |
2 |
Greenridge |
3 |
Jewell |
4 |
Kings Farm |
12 |
Leslie |
5 |
Maplewood |
added by Alice Lowder Zetterstrom |
Munger |
6 |
Murray |
added by Alice Lowder Zetterstrom |
Ostrander |
13 |
Putnam |
7 |
Ramsdill |
8 |
Sadler |
8 |
Saratoga Springs |
11 |
Shaker |
9 |
Waring |
Whitford |
10 |
Town of Stillwater |
Baker |
14 |
Baptist, First |
2 |
Baptist, Old |
2 |
Benedict |
4 |
Bemis Heights |
added by Alice Lowder Zetterstrom |
Benedict |
4 |
Crow Hill |
16 |
Dunham |
6 |
Ensign |
10 |
Ferris |
3 |
Hart |
4 |
Hart #2 |
12 |
Ketcham |
5 |
Montgomery |
15 |
disappeared; LS, 12/97 |
Munger |
7 |
Myers |
17 |
Old Presbyterian |
8 |
Ostrander |
18 |
disappeared?; LS 12/97 |
Robens |
13 |
disappeared?; LS 12/97 |
Salisbury |
16 |
Smith |
11 |
disappeared; LS, 12/97 |
Smith #2 |
LS |
Battlefield; Linda Sanders 12/97 |
St. Peter's |
LS |
next to Union; Linda Sanders 12/97 |
Taylor |
3 |
Union |
1 |
Wayville |
13? |
same as Robens? |
Wescott |
1 |
Wintergreen |
15 |
Yellow Meeting House |
9 |
Town of Waterford |
Clute |
6 |
Craig |
6 |
Denton |
6 |
St. Joseph |
4 |
St. Marys |
2 |
St. Michaels |
1 |
St. Peter and Paul |
3 |
VanSchoonhoven |
6 |
Waterford |
5 |
Town of Wilton |
Arnold |
1 |
Baker-Boyce |
2 |
Baptist, Brick Church |
3 |
Brill |
4 |
Cornell |
17 |
Dimick |
5 |
Emerson Corners |
6 |
Gurn Spring |
6 |
Jaycox |
7 |
Kings Station |
8 |
Laing |
added by A. Zetterstrom |
Louden |
9 |
McGregor |
10 |
Milligan |
11 |
Perry |
12 |
Ruggles |
13 |
Sleght |
15 |
South Wilton |
14 |
Standish |
16 |
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Heritage Hunters of Saratoga County
All rights reserved.