Saratoga NYGenWeb PROJECT

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[Website coordinators's note: It is important that we not forget that some of the early settlers of this region, and some of their descendants, were among those who disagreed with the decision to break away from the rule of the English monarch. Their loyalty to their King was to cost most of them their lives, or fortunes and sacred honor: qualities that were pledged by the signers of the Declaration of Independence in agreeing to seek that independence.
The histories of those early settlers, living here before the American Revolution and helping to tame the land and bring in the industries, are sometimes more difficult to find. We'll present in this section the results of some research into their lives.]

The following is an excerpt from the History of Saratoga County written by Nathaniel Bartlett Sylvester. "It is stated in gazetteers that the first settlements within the present limits of the Town of Malta were made by two men named Drummond and McKelpin. They were here before the Revolution, were Loyalists, and obliged to leave during the war. Little is known of them and it is believed they never returned. It is by no means certain however that they were here in advance of John Hunter and Ashbel Andrews. John Hunter came here with the Connecticut colony to Stillwater as early as 1764 and settled near Round Lake on what is now the Scotland place."

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Richard Dorrough and Heritage Hunters of Saratoga County
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